About Us
Haygood Preschool is ...
We recognize that childhood is the most critical period in human growth and development. The years your child spends in preschool lay the foundation for learning. Our goal is to provide learning experiences for your child that will be diverse, creative, age appropriate, and carefully planned. We encourage development by providing an atmosphere that enables children to explore through curriculum, creativity and socialization.
We believe that children need the opportunity to explore, question, practice and pretend in order to discover the world around them. Play is an important part of the learning process. We encourage this by providing a variety of activities that are challenging and interesting.
We recognize the fact that no two children develop in the same way. Our teachers understand your child’s need for individual development and will provide challenging and positive experiences.
Haygood Preschool has been a Pearl Award School since 2018! We strive to maintain this award through recycling, conservation efforts, crafts, and lessons for our students reinforcing the importance of protecting our environment. Click the image below to learn how you can help us with our Pearl Award as well as become a Pearl Home yourself!
Click here to read in our blog
how you can become a Pearl Home
and help us with our Pearl Award.
Click here to go to the Lynnhaven River Now website and learn more about them and all their conservation efforts going on around Virginia Beach.